Submit your abstract > GuidelinesAbstract guidelinesAuthors wishing to contribute papers to the 8th ICSPS must submit a 2000-character abstract for review by the International Scientific Committee (see Abstract template page). All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the Submission page before the end of registration deadline. Scientific papers on all topics related to the conference themes were welcome for consideration as oral, poster or flash poster presentations. It is imperative that the title be as clear and descriptive as possible while still being shorter rather than longer, and the abstract provide a precise objective of the research project, the significance of the research, the experimental procedures and equipment used, the results obtained, and the conclusions reached. All abstracts should acknowledge the source of funding that supported the work. Please note: Titles and co-authors cannot be changed/added/deleted after the abstract submission. Be certain your information is complete and correct upon abstract submission. All submitted abstracts are considered to be confidential. To maintain confidentiality, only members of the International Scientific Committee will be permitted access to the abstracts. The International Scientific Committee reserves the sole right to accept or reject any abstract for any reason. Contributed abstracts must report a previously unpublished novel scientific finding or technical advancement of clear significance in at least one of the topics of the conference. The registration of at least one author before 1st March is required for paper acceptance and publication in the Conference Proceedings. |
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