- SESSION "Chemical risk (Session 1)"

This session will be introduced by Pr E.R. BLATCHLEY III, from Purdue University, West Lafayette (USA).
His presentation will deal with the "Optimization of air quality in chlorinated indoor swimming pool facilities"
- SESSION "Chemical risk (Session 2)"

This session will be introduced by Pr S. CHOWDHURY, from King Fahd University, Dharhan (Saudi Arabia).
His talk will focus on "Disinfection Byproducts in Swimming Pool, Chemical risk and Control Strategy".
- SESSION "On-line and Off-line measurement of air and water quality"

This session will be introduced by Pr V. ROMANO SPICA, from University of Rome "Foro Italico" (Italy).
The topic of the lecture will deal on Advances in microbiota knowledge and NGS technologies : Perspectives for surveillance in recreational waters.
- SESSION "Microbiological risks"

This session will be introduced by Pr P. KARANIS, from University of Cologne (Germany).
The topic of the lecture will deal on Recent knowledges on Cryptosporidium in swimming pool waters.
- SESSION "Removal of contaminants"

The first part of this session will be introduced by Dr M. KEUTEN, from Delft University / Hellebrekers Technieken (Netherlands).
The topic of the lecture will deal on The influence of UV on swimming pool contaminants

The second part of this session will be introduced by Pr W. UHL, from Norwegian Intitute for Water Research (Norway).
The topic of the lecture will deal on "DBP-control through water treatment processes".
- SESSION "Health & Safety"

M.J. BEACH, Associate Director for Healthy Water, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) will present a keynote lecture on :
"Aquatics 2030 in the United States: Facilitating a systems-based approach to improving aquatic health and safety in a de-centralized regulatory landscape"

Dr C. Villanueva, Associate Research Professor, from Barcelona Institute for Global Health (Spain) will focus her presentation on :
"DBP exposure and health risks among swimmers"